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CEAS EuroGNC 2019

Dynamic analysis of tire consumption in aircraft anti-skid braking

Luca d'Avico Diaprtimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Mara Tanelli Diaprtimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Sergio M. Savaresi Diaprtimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Tire consumption is a crucial element in determining the maintenance costs of aircraft. Clearly, it has a strong link with anti-skid controllers. In fact, in aircraft braking, nearly all braking maneuvers activate the anti-skid controller, which remains in use for long time intervals. This is not true in ground vehicles, as anti-skid control is usually active for a small part of braking maneuvers and in general for a short time only. Thus, tire consumption in the automotive context is usually related to the mileage covered, and it is studied under constant speed assumptions. In this work, we extend existing tire consumption models to consider the braking dynamics explicitly, and we show that, using appropriate anti-skid control approaches, tire wear can be directly linked to the controller parameters, thus offering a way to limit tire consumption, and hence maintenance costs, by properly tuning the controller itself.
Keywords: Optimization; Robust control
View PDFCEAS-GNC-2019-018

Luca d'Avico, Mara Tanelli, Sergio M. Savaresi: Dynamic analysis of tire consumption in aircraft anti-skid braking. Proceedings of the 2019 CEAS EuroGNC conference. Milan, Italy. April 2019. CEAS-GNC-2019-018.
BibTeX entry:

    authors = {d'Avico, Luca and Tanelli, Mara and Savaresi, Sergio M.},
    title = {Dynamic analysis of tire consumption in aircraft anti-skid braking},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 {CEAS EuroGNC} conference},
    address = {Milan, Italy},
    month = apr,
    year = {2019},
    note = {CEAS-GNC-2019-018}