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CEAS EuroGNC 2022

Continuous time adaptive Higher Harmonic Control

Roberto Rubinacci PhD Student, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Aerospace Science and Technology 20156, Milan, Italy.
Salvatore Meraglia PhD Student, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Aerospace Science and Technology 20156, Milan, Italy.
Marco Lovera Full Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Aerospace Science and Technology 20156, Milan, Italy.
Most helicopters experience a significant level of vibrations. Active vibration control techniques aimed at reducing helicopter vibrations have been extensively studied during the last decades. Most of the techniques developed so far make use of frequency-domain based algorithms, and thus require the computation of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the output. Recent developments in the field have shown that time-domain adaptive methods can improve the convergence time of the widely adopted Higher Harmonic Control (HHC) algorithm, the main limitation of which is the need to update the control action after a sufficient amount of time (i.e., the time required for the transient to decay following the last change in the control action). The application of such new methods is tested on a virtual helicopter and the result is compared with the one obtained with the HHC algorithm. Moreover, to improve the performance of the adaptive algorithm, continuous identification of the unknown parameters is proposed and compared with the discrete counterpart, in which the update of the control and the update of the parameters are performed synchronously.
Keywords: Higher Harmonic Control; Adaptive Control; Helicopter Vibrations
View PDFCEAS-GNC-2022-053

Roberto Rubinacci, Salvatore Meraglia, Marco Lovera: Continuous time adaptive Higher Harmonic Control. Proceedings of the 2022 CEAS EuroGNC conference. Berlin, Germany. May 2022. CEAS-GNC-2022-053.
BibTeX entry:

    authors = {Rubinacci, Roberto and Meraglia, Salvatore and Lovera, Marco},
    title = {Continuous time adaptive Higher Harmonic Control},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 {CEAS EuroGNC} conference},
    address = {Berlin, Germany},
    month = may,
    year = {2022},
    note = {CEAS-GNC-2022-053}