On Site & Travel
Entering Spain / the EU and Visas
Note: The following information is purely indicative and regulations may change between the time of the writing and the time of the conference. Please refer to the official governmental/institutional websites to clarify your individual situation.
Spain is member of the European Union (EU) and part of the so-called Schenghen area. In most cases, citizens of countries of the Schenghen area (most EU countries + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) will not have to apply for a visa. Note however, that even in this case, you should still carry a valid ID document with you and that for security reasons, presenting a valid ID might be mandatory to board certain transportation means (e.g., airplane).
Details on the EU visa rules and the working of the Schenghen area can be found on the following page: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/entry-exit/non-eu-nationals/index_en.htm
The European Union is also launching (expected start in the second half of 2025) a new entry/exit system (EES) as well as a new travel authorisation system (ETIAS) for citizens of about 60 countries with visa-exemption agreements. Information can be found on the website: https://travel-europe.europa.eu/etias/what-etias_en
Make sure to visit these pages regularly as these systems are being changed/introduced in 2025. Details on their implementation could change especially upon launch and shortly after.
Conditions for entry into Spain are published on the website of the different consulates of Spain abroad on a page called “Conditions for entry into Spain”. See for instance the pages “Conditions for Entry” and “Schenghen Visas” of the Consulate in Washington, DC, USA. If available, make sure to consult the Spanish consulate within your own home country as they usually know best the conditions applicable to you.
After registering to the conference, EuroGNC participants who require a formal invitation letter to apply for a visa may request it to the conference chair.
Getting to Madrid / Conference Location
Travel information to Spain and Madrid can be found on Spain’s official toursim website.
Information on how to get to the can be found on the How to Get There page of the University Carlos III de Madrid.