Paper Submission / Review

Submission Site and Licensing

The submission site is not opened yet.

Authors understand that the final paper will be published in Open-Access under the CC-BY-4.0 license and the following copyright information will be printed on every page of the final papers:

Except where otherwise noted, content of this paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The reproduction and distribution with attribution of the entire paper or of individual pages, in electronic or printed form, including some materials under non-CC-BY 4.0 licenses is hereby granted by the respective copyright owners.

Please understand that to simplify the handling of the papers, no case-by-case license or copyright handling is done from the conference organisation. The license condition chosen is pretty standard for Open-Access publications.

Requirements and Formatting

Even if the some submission platforms mention “Abstract(s)”, full draft papers are expected. Extended abstracts will not be accepted!

Please make sure to use the conference template provided on the Instructions for Authors page already for the full draft papers. As additional information (e.g. paper number, conference banner, copyright information) will be overlaid to the paper, not respecting the template and instruction can lead to issues at a later stage.

Special Sessions

Special sessions may be proposed by sending an e-mail to the conference chair.


Reviewers can access the papers that were assigned to them via the same link than authors can submit their papers (cf. above). They undergo the same registration process (if they are not already registered as author) and later on the conference admins will convert their account to a “reviewer” account.