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List of papers of the 2024 CEAS EuroGNC conference
Bristol, UK - 11-13 June 2024

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Paper number Paper author(s) Paper title
CEAS-GNC-2024-002 Christoph Deiler Evaluation of the Indirect Ice Detection System Performance during the SENS4ICE Flight Test Campaigns
CEAS-GNC-2024-003 S. Janakiraman, S. Schopferer, C.C. de Visser Fault Detection and Estimation of Fault Redundant Airspeed using Unscented Kalman Filter
CEAS-GNC-2024-004 Renato Murata, Julien Marzat, Hélène Piet-Lahanier, Sandra Boujnah, François Farago Comparison of state observer schemes for leak detection and isolation: Application to the feeding lines of a reusable launcher
CEAS-GNC-2024-005 Dominik Hübener, Robert Luckner, Guido Weber Evaluation of an Independent Flight Control Law Monitor
CEAS-GNC-2024-006 Andrea Pizzetti, Andrea Fabrizi Analytical characterization of the off-pointing probability for a spin-stabilized S/C subject to random particle impacts
CEAS-GNC-2024-007 Ervan Kassarian, Francesco Sanfedino, Daniel Alazard, Hélène Evain Parametric sensitivity analysis for the robust control of uncertain space systems
CEAS-GNC-2024-008 Ricardo Rodrigues, Francesco Sanfedino, Daniel Alazard Linear Parameter-Varying gain-scheduled attitude controller for a spinning spacecraft involving large flexible booms
CEAS-GNC-2024-009 Konstantinos Platanitis, Leonard Felicetti, Saurabh Upadhyay, Leonardo Capicchiano Robust sliding mode controller design for orbital payload deploying spacecraft
CEAS-GNC-2024-010 Mohatashem Reyaz Makhdoomi, Vivek Muralidharan, Kuldeep R. Barad, Juan Sandoval, Miguel Olivares-Mendez, Carol Martinez Emulating On-Orbit Interactions Using Forward Dynamics Based Cartesian Motion
CEAS-GNC-2024-011 Ignacio Betti Lhuillier, Andrea Bellome, Leonard Felicetti On-Orbit Servicing Strategies for Large Constellations via Hybrid Dynamic Programming
CEAS-GNC-2024-012 Lasse Shala, Shubham Vyas, Mohamed Khalil Ben-Larbi, Shivesh Kumar, Enrico Stoll Region of Attraction Estimation for Free-Floating Systems under Time-Varying LQR Control
CEAS-GNC-2024-013 Franek Stark, Shubham Vyas, Georg Schildbach, Frank Kirchner Mixed Integer Model Predictive Control for a free-floating platform with binary and continuous actuation
CEAS-GNC-2024-015 Zoe Mbikayi, Tim Rupprecht, Agnes Steinert, Dominik Heimsch, Florian Holzapfel Return-to-Home Function for an Integrated Flight Guidance System in Non-Segregated Airspace
CEAS-GNC-2024-016 Hirad Goudarzi, Mickey Li, Duncan Hine, Thomas Richardson, Arthur G. Richards Airspace Routing and Automation for Vertiports
CEAS-GNC-2024-018 Joaquin G. López-Cepero, Jorge Galan-Vioque, Rafael Vazquez Control design for rendezvous operation near Halo Orbits using Lyapunov-Floquet theory and AUTO
CEAS-GNC-2024-019 Francesco Paolo Salzo, Giordana Bucchioni, Rafael Vazquez Design of a Model Predictive Controller for formation flight on quasi-Halo orbits
CEAS-GNC-2024-021 S. K. Rohith, Govindarajan Bharath, P. A. Ramakrishna Power Optimisation of Variable-Pitch Propeller for an IC Engine with Variable-RPM
CEAS-GNC-2024-026 D. de Fuijk, D.M. Pool, C.C. de Visser Asymmetric Cessna Citation II Stall Model Identification using a Roll Moment-based Kirchhoff Method
CEAS-GNC-2024-027 Hélène Evain, Stéphanie Delavault Improving satellite inertia identification with an observability-based EKF
CEAS-GNC-2024-028 Mushfiqul Alam, James Whidborne, Mark Westwood Navigation Algorithm for a Twin-Engine Turboprop Aircraft using an Extended Kalman Filter
CEAS-GNC-2024-030 Barış Can Yalçın, Pyry Peitso, Pekka Janhunen, Maria Genzer, Perttu Yli-Opas, Hannah Laurila, Maria Hieta, Harri Haukka, David Macieira, Petri Toivanen, Jouni Polkko, Pulmu Pietikäinen, Hannu Hallamaa, Jari Sinkko, Miguel Olivares-Mendez The Deployment Tests of the ESA-Dragliner in the Zero-G Lab
CEAS-GNC-2024-031 Barış Can Yalçın, Mohatashem Reyaz Makhdoomi, Maxime Hubert Delisle, Xiao Li, Miguel Olivares-Mendez, Carol Martinez Admittance Control Strategy for the Emulation of Space Debris Capture in a Ground Robotic Facility
CEAS-GNC-2024-034 Akın Çatak, Esra Demir, Raziye Tekin, Emre Koyuncu, İbrahim Özkol Polynomial Range Impact Time Control: A Novel Approach Using Bézier Curves
CEAS-GNC-2024-035 Furkan Zeki Ayhan, Ali Emre Turgut, Veysel Gazi, Necşe Başak Bingöl Taştankaya Formation Control of a Guided Munition Swarm with Potential Function Method
CEAS-GNC-2024-036 Pengyu Wang, Honglong Kang, Chang-Hun Lee Field-of-View Limited Guidance Law for Maneuvering Targets Using Relative Virtual Frame Formulation
CEAS-GNC-2024-040 Abdelmoez Elagroudy, Christian Weiser, Simon Schulz, Jan Tilmans Flight Control Law Design using H-infinity optimal control for Gust Load Alleviation of Flexible Aircraft
CEAS-GNC-2024-041 Rajashree Srikanth, Inês M. G. S. Afonso, Leandro R. Lustosa Experimental Aided Inertial Estimation of Wing Shape for Flexible Aircraft Control
CEAS-GNC-2024-042 Davide Cavaliere, Nicolas Fezans A Practical Approach to Automated Multiobjective Gust Load Alleviation Control Design in a Structured H2/H-infinity Framework
CEAS-GNC-2024-043 Inês Zagalo, Paulo Rosa, J. M. Lemos Reinforcement Learning based adaptive control of landing manoeuvres in uncertain environments
CEAS-GNC-2024-044 João Belfo, Nicola Somma, Alejandro Montero, Paulo Rosa, João Santos, Tiago Moreira, Pedro Simplício, António Rinalducci, Yohann Torres Robust Control Design for a Sub-Orbital Launch Vehicle with Destabilizing Sloshing Dynamics
CEAS-GNC-2024-045 Cristina Roche Arroyos, Matteo Pascucci, Nuno Paulino, Jorge Arnedo, Diego Navarro-Tapia, Andrés Marcos, Mohamed Lalami, Paul Alexandre, Pedro Simplício, Massimo Casasco Fault-Tolerant Control for a Cluster of Rocket Engines - Results for launch and landing of a re-usable launcher
CEAS-GNC-2024-046 Vijay Shankar Dwivedi, Hyo-Sang Shin, Antonios Tsourdos Exploring the Concept of Air-runway for Fixed-wing UAVs
CEAS-GNC-2024-047 Jun Shi, Xiang Fang, Nils Schlautmann, Michael Zintl, Johann Dambeck, Florian Holzapfel Landing Pad Design for Optical-aided Automatic Vertical Take-off and Landing
CEAS-GNC-2024-048 Luis Gustavo Leandro de Paula, Vijay Shankar Dwivedi, Hyo-Sang Shin, Antonios Tsourdos A Review on VTOL Autonomous Landing Strategies on Naval Dynamic Surfaces
CEAS-GNC-2024-054 Benjamin Herrmann, Leif Rieck, Frank Thielecke Flight Testing of Real-Time Model Predictive Flight Control for Unmanned Flexible Aircraft
CEAS-GNC-2024-055 Mohamad Hachem, Clément Roos, Thierry Miquel Application of Reduced-Order Robust Control to Multi-Rotor Stabilization and Guidance
CEAS-GNC-2024-056 Toufik Souanef, Huamin Jia, James F. Whidborne Adaptive Formation Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Wind
CEAS-GNC-2024-057 Luis G. Crespo, Tanner Slagel, Sean P. Kenny A Scenario-based Approach to Robust Control Design
CEAS-GNC-2024-058 Chitoshi Tamaoki, Thanakorn Khamvilai, Eric Johnson, Johannes Reinhart, Bjoern Annighoefer Adaptive Avionics System for Multi-agent Computing Resource Sharing under Failures
CEAS-GNC-2024-059 Luigi Strippoli, Andrea Fabrizi, Lorenzo Cercós, Marco Canetri, Carlos Entrena, Dejan Gacnik READY ADCS: a family of ADCS products for a wide range of platforms and missions
CEAS-GNC-2024-060 János Bezsilla, Bálint Patartics, Jian Guo, Bálint Vanek, Béla Takarics Worst-case Uncertainty Methods in the Precise Pointing Control of Flexible Spacecraft
CEAS-GNC-2024-061 Stephan Theil, Maximilian Holtmann, Nicole Reuter, Maximilian Reuter Fostering Aerospace Collaboration: COOPERANTS' Initiative towards Continuous Integration of Component Models
CEAS-GNC-2024-062 Ramesh Konatala, Reiko Müller, Marc May, Gertjan Looye, Erik-Jan van Kampen Verification & Validation (V&V) of Reinforcement Learning based Online Adaptive Flight Control Laws on CS-25 Class Aircraft
CEAS-GNC-2024-063 Thaweerath Phisannupawong, Joshua Julian Damanik, Han-Lim Choi Contrastive Learning-Based Air Traffic Trajectory Representation: A Case Study on Incheon International Airport
CEAS-GNC-2024-064 Sofiane Kraïem, Mario Cassaro, Cédric Seren, Aurélien Plyer, Gustav Öman Lundin, Mathieu Brunot A vision-based control solution for autonomous approach and landing of an airliner
CEAS-GNC-2024-065 Mattia Pugliatti, Shubham Vyas, Marko Jankovic, Francesco Topputo A small body open-source dataset for image processing algorithms
CEAS-GNC-2024-067 Bhaskar Biswas, Dmitry Ignatyev, Argyrios Zolotas, Antonios Tsourdos Enhanced Estimation of Region of Attraction Using Union Theorem in Sum-of-Squares Optimization for Longitudinal Stability Analysis
CEAS-GNC-2024-068 Victor Gibert, Stéphane Delannoy Improving Pitch Capture for Aircraft Take-Off Rotation Law
CEAS-GNC-2024-069 Daniel Pusztai, Mark H. Lowenberg, Simon A. Neild Design and Flight Testing of a Feedback-Linearising Control Law for a Large Flight Envelope on a Sub-Scale Airliner
CEAS-GNC-2024-070 Jaewon Kim, Sangmin Lee, Youdan Kim, Chandeok Park De-orbit Trajectory Design for Reusable Unmanned Space Vehicle using Sequential Convex Optimization with Multiple Re-Entry Targets
CEAS-GNC-2024-071 Silvia Busi, Torbjørn Cunis, Francesco Topputo, Walter Fichter Analysis of the Covector Mapping Principle using Non-Complete Methods
CEAS-GNC-2024-072 Zhidong Lu, Haichao Hong, Florian Holzapfel Flight Trajectory Generation through a Collocation Approach with Successive Linear Programming
CEAS-GNC-2024-073 Johanna Holsten, Dagmar Huth, Tobias Islam, Norbert Siepenkötter, Dieter Moormann Highly Automated BVLOS Drone Operations: A Large-Scale Flight Campaign supporting Agricultural Monitoring in Saxony, Germany
CEAS-GNC-2024-074 Fabian Baader, Philipp Müller, Ann-Kristin Sturm, Johanna Holsten, Dieter Moormann Operational Permit: Application for a tilt-wing UAV according to the EU-2019-947 regulation in the specific category
CEAS-GNC-2024-075 Yavor Dobrev, Nicolai Voget, Lennart Danielmeier, Johannes Krimphove, Sebastian Seitz, Johanna Holsten, Dieter Moormann A Flight Operation Strategy for Highly Automated Parallel BVLOS Operations
CEAS-GNC-2024-080 Christian Weiser, Daniel Milz, Marc May, Ramesh Konatala, Stefan Langen, Reiko Müller, Christina Schreppel, Gertjan Looye Flight Testing Advanced Control Functions on a Passenger Aircraft
CEAS-GNC-2024-081 Denis Surmann, Maximilian Weinert, Stephan Myschik Nonlinear Control Strategy and Sensor Data Processing for a Lift-to-Cruise Aircraft
CEAS-GNC-2024-082 Daniel Milz, Marc May, Gertjan Looye Flight Testing Air Data Sensor Failure Handling with Hybrid Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion
CEAS-GNC-2024-083 Hangxu Li, Stephan Myschik, Haichao Hong, Florian Holzapfel Rank one update-based efficient adaptive control allocation for multicopter
CEAS-GNC-2024-084 Vincent Konnow, Jannes Terlau, Lukas Hildebrand, Philipp Hartmann Robot Assisted Landing Process of small UAVs using Decentralized Kalman Filter
CEAS-GNC-2024-085 Siddharth Singh, Hyo Sang Shin, Antonios Tsourdos, Leonard Felicetti A Review of State-of-the-Art 6D Pose Estimation and its applications in Space Operations
CEAS-GNC-2024-086 Caitong Peng, Daniel Choukroun A Simple Quaternion Estimator with Error Analysis
CEAS-GNC-2024-087 Nazmus Sakib, Zakia Ahmed, Craig A. Woolsey Kalman Filter-Based Framework for Predicting Aerial Telerobotic Operations with Input and Output Delays
CEAS-GNC-2024-088 Emre Saylam, Nebi Bulut, Rüştü Berk Gezer, Fatih Turgel Trajectory Optimization of an Air Defense Missile with Model Predictive Control
CEAS-GNC-2024-089 Frederik Prochazka LPV Modeling and Autopilot Design for a Dual Pulse Tail Controlled Missile
CEAS-GNC-2024-090 Akın Çatak, Esra Demir, Emre Koyuncu, İbrahim Özkol Enhanced Impact Vector Guidance: Addition of Impact Time Using Bézier Curves and Virtual Targets
CEAS-GNC-2024-095 Tobias Islam, Sebastian Seitz, Dieter Moormann Automated Mission Generation and Dispatching for BVLOS Drone Operations
CEAS-GNC-2024-096 Max Hartmann, Nicolai Voget, Sebastian Seitz, Dieter Moormann Trajectory Planning for Efficient BVLOS Drone Flights over Agricultural Points of Interest
CEAS-GNC-2024-097 Patrick Osterloh, Johannes Krimphove, Eva König, Tobias Islam, Dieter Moormann Advanced Flight Control Architecture for Safe BVLOS Drone Operations
CEAS-GNC-2024-098 Andrei F. Cojocaru, Alexandru Lapusneanu, Paulo Rosa Application of a Mixed H2/H-infinity Synthesis Approach to the Control Problem of the LISA Mission
CEAS-GNC-2024-099 Gianluca Napoletano, Alexandre Seuret, Rafael Vazquez A hybrid model for robust impulsive control applied to spacecraft rendezvous
CEAS-GNC-2024-100 Andrei F. Cojocaru, Alexandru Lapusneanu, Paulo Rosa, Raúl Sánchez Maestro, Jorge Cardin, Joost Veenman, Valentin Preda, Jonathan Grzymisch Development of the Dynamics, Kinematics, and Environment (DKE) Models for L3GWO
CEAS-GNC-2024-101 Emre Han Ata, Koray S. Erer, Erhan İlhan Konukseven Enhanced Inertial Navigation System for Missile Applications Using Seeker, RF Data Link and Radar Altimeter Measurements
CEAS-GNC-2024-102 Tuna Gün Aksu, Özgün Dülgar, Halil Ersin Söken Steep Descent Control Algorithm for Shipborne Sea-Skimming Missiles
CEAS-GNC-2024-103 Marc Schneider, Renato Loureiro, Torbjørn Cunis, Walter Fichter Trajectory Prediction for Missile Targets: A Probabilistic Approach Using Machine Learning